
The Charm of slow juicer

Fresh fruit juice nutritional value is very high. After it enters the human digestive system, it will make the blood alkaline, the accumulation in the cells of toxins such as lead, aluminum, mercury and other heavy metals and free radicals from the body, and therefore detoxification detoxification, purification of the body. And this nutritious fruit juice must be equipped with a high performance to ensure fruit element is not destroyed.
When we buy a juicer according to the appearance of the product, it tends to make the initial choice, skg2019 design of this product from the flow line design Korea design master, and the minimalist design won the German Red Dot Award, the entire juicer looks compact, and it does not take place.
Second, while using the integrated assembly design, making juice more easily when installing and cleaning, not easy to stay fruits slag.
Third, due consideration when designing the juicer is the pursuit of quality of life, and therefore in the design uses a subwoofer extraction 32 rev / min subwoofer, 55 db subwoofer, so that we feel at ease dishes.
And ultimately affect whether you buy it should be whether the juicer could maintain good nutrition, but because its low speed, so the oxidation of low probability of getting a juicer, juice nutrition save more general quality juicer.
With such a juicer, so you always maintain beautiful skin.